Ahmedabad News Roundup | Imagicaa amusement park at Riverfront, temperature set to rise & more

Ahmedabad News Roundup | Imagicaa amusement park at Riverfront, temperature set to rise & more

Find out what's happening in Ahmedabad.

From the thrilling announcement of Imagicaa amusement park to be set up at Sabarmati Riverfront, to the weather forecast predicting warmer days ahead, to AMC's strategic planning for City Square and more. Discover the latest buzz in the city with this Ahmedabad News Roundup.

Imagicaa amusement park coming to Sabarmati Riverfront 

Imagicaa is set to bring the thrill of its popular attractions closer to Amdavadis, as plans are underway to build an entertainment and amusement park on the east side of Atal Bridge at Sabarmati Riverfront. With an investment of 130 crore rupees, the hub will feature attractions like Snow Park, Food Plaza, Amphitheater, and London Eye.

Imagicaa has partnered with international brands such as Dave & Buster's, Kidzania, and Super-park to enhance Ahmedabad's entertainment scene with world-class technology. The project is expected to be completed within one and a half to two years.

Weather forecast: Warmer days ahead

Since March started, Gujarat has been experiencing a dual season with warm daytime temperatures and cool mornings and nights. The Meteorological Department forecasts dry weather for the next 5 days in the state, ruling out any further chances of rain.

Although a persistent Western Disturbance is noted, it is unlikely to cause unseasonal rains. Additionally, the maximum temperature across the state may rise by 2-3 degrees after the next three days.

Preparations underway for City Square at Sindhu Bhavan Road

The AMC (Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation) is set to create the first-ever City Square adjacent to Oxygen Park on Sindhu Bhavan Road. The proposed square will offer panoramic views from a tower and feature lush gardens, entertainment zones, and commercial areas.

The AMC standing committee is reviewing a proposal to appoint a consultant for designing the square, after which wind and soil tests will be conducted to determine the planned tower's height.

Extension of Ahmedabad-Trichy-Ahmedabad weekly Special train services

The Western Railway has announced the extension of Ahmedabad-Trichy-Ahmedabad weekly special train services until the end of March. The special fare train from Ahmedabad to Trichy will depart at 9.30 am on Thursdays and arrive at Trichy at 3.45 am on Saturdays. The return journey from Trichy to Ahmedabad will commence at 5.40 am on Sundays, reaching Ahmedabad at 9.15 pm on Mondays.

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