
Free distribution of AYUSH-64 for asymptomatic, mild & moderate cases begins in Goa

Sugandhaa Pandey

Developed by the apex research body in Ayurveda under the AYUSH Ministry and backed by 6 scientific studies, AYUSH-64 is an ayurvedic formulation proven to help fight against coronavirus. On Friday, the Chief Minister of Goa inaugurated the free distribution of this medicine for asymptomatic patients and those with mild and moderate infection. Available at all Primary Health Centres, AYUSH-64 is can be procured by the kin of patients, as per the covid protocol.

Available at PHCs across the state

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AYUSH-64 was recently launched by the Union Ministry of AYUSH, which is constantly working on providing effective medicines for COVID-19 patients. On Friday, Union Minister of State for Defence and Chief Minister of Goa inaugurated the free distribution of this ayurvedic formulation for asymptomatic, mild and moderate COVID-19 patients in the state.

Apart from urging state residents to avail the benefits of this medicine, it has also been informed that AYUSH-64 will be distributed with home isolation kits as well. Further, this medicine is available at all the Primary Health Centres (PHCs) from where the kin of an infected patient can procure it. The medicine shall be given only if the kin can produce a positive RT-PCR test report, no older than 7 days and Aadhar number.

What is AYUSH-64?

The ayurvedic formulation- AYUSH-64, was developed by the Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS), for the management of malaria. Later, this medicine was repurposed to fight against the coronavirus as the ingredients showed notable anti-viral, immune-modulator and antipyretic properties. Tests have shown that it can also treat influenza-like illnesses.

AYUSH-64 has been identified as a potential adjunct to standard care in the management of asymptomatic, mild and moderate cases of infection, based on scientific evidence from six clinical studies conducted across India. In an in-silico study conducted on AYUSH-64, it was observed that nearly 35 out of 36 of its phyto-constituents have a high binding affinity against the coronavirus.

-With inputs from IANS.

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