
Coronavirus in Goa: Recoveries surge past new infections for over 1 week in the state

Muskaan Tekwani

In what could be labelled as a small but significant victory for the state of Goa, the active caseload of the coastal state has remained below the zero horizon for 8 days in succession. This is suggestive of the fact that patient recovery in the state has surged over new infections for the said period. In the last week, Goa has recorded 1,041 recoveries, higher than the total of 722 new infections.

Goa's recovery trends:

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With the addition of 91 cases to Goa's tally of confirmed COVID-19 infections, the state's total case count has clocked over 49,657 patients, since the outbreak of the virus. The state has succeeded in restricting the growth and transmission of the virus at 0.2%, despite the active influx of tourists given the onset festive season and year-end celebrations.

The cases in the last week have fallen below the recoveries and with a clear difference of 319 patients between the treated patients and new infections, Goa has made a mark with its excellent recuperation rate. Zoomed at 96.6%, the state's recovery rate ranks higher than the national average of 95.3%.

The COVID death rate has also been capped at 1.4% in the last week. The city has added 9 more deaths to its tally since December 9, where zero fatalities were recorded for two days in a row.

Cannot let the guard slip

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Though Goa has been projecting healing trends, it is important to maintain caution against the virus especially ahead of the festive rush which will soon start to flow into the state. The administration has to exercise strictness over the norms and all people in Goa or those visiting it anytime soon are appealed to cooperate with the norms and comply with the established guidelines.

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