
COVID crisis escalates in Goa; state reports more than 300 fatalities in the past 5 days!

Ankur Verma

Inflating the count of active tallies in the state, 2,865 new infections were recorded in Goa on Wednesday. While the recoveries have risen sharply in the past few days, fatalities continue to multiply with more than 300 deaths logged in a short period of the last 5 days. Additionally, the medical infrastructure is also marked by an expanded oxygen crisis and a worrisome shortage of resources, which is elevating the severity of the situation.

Urgent need for amplified state interventions in Goa

Affected by the horrors of the second wave, the state stands blanketed amid dire circumstances. Recent reports have mentioned the havoc being propelled by the crunch in availability and accessibility of oxygen and how it is affecting the citizens in the state. Despite an increased count of measures being implemented by the government to combat the virus, significant changes are nowhere in view.

Speaking to Knocksense, Abhishek Gupta, a local dweller from Baina, Vasco-Da-Gama said, "While tourists are being allowed entry in the state, locals are finding it difficult even to get the essential stuff. Despite the lockdown, wine shops are open. When corona is spreading at a rapid pace, we need strict curbs and it is not being witnessed here. Further, the medical infrastructure is also facing its share of problems. The shortage of beds and oxygen was only realised after the High Court pointed it out."

Another resident, Ankita Joshi said, "I feel that the shortage of vaccines, amid an unprecedented hike in COVID cases, also deserves the quick attention of the authorities. Further, it is incumbent upon the state to take swift action for alleviating the dearth of beds and oxygen. Under such a scenario, it is pertinent to acknowledge accountability and execute rapid steps so that the crisis can be resolved at the earliest."

1,27,693 individuals affected by the COVID virus in Goa till now!

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Though the state successfully carved out a comfortable journey, with controlled tallies through the first year of the pandemic, the situation overturned in Apri and infections spiked alarmingly. 69,800 cases or 54.6% of the net total COVID detections in the state have been marked in the past 42 days of March and April 2021. Given the speed and upshots of the pandemic, widespread measures are definitely the need of the hour!

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