
Extension work begins at Goa Airport, over 30 new terminals to come up!

Ankur Verma

In a bid to cater to the increasing count of air passengers, the construction of the extended terminal building at Goa Airport kickstared on Monday. Reportedly, the Airport Authority of India and Goa International Airport together initiated the extension project. As per, the initiative will augment the count of air travelers at the facility and it is expected that the Goa Airport will witness close to 13 million yearly footfalls, once the new building is operational.

Over 30 new terminals to be established at the extended facility

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According to reports, the current joint terminal will be expanded on the eastern side. While the internal infrastructure shall be altered and improved, it has been reported that the expanse of the facility will also be increased. Being implemented with an objective to deal with the bigger aircraft, the project will help in the accommodation of new vehicles, upon completion.

Further, reports state that the existing terminal for national and international flights will be interchanged and proposals have been formed in this regard already. As per reports, the airport will house over 30 more check-points and the passenger dealing will be increased to more than 3,000 people after the extension work is finished. Ensuring quick commissioning of the new facility, the authorities have deployed ample efforts and it is anticipated that the project will be completed by the end of 2022.

With the rapid developments, the travel infrastructure is facing huge demands for amplification across the country. Thereby, such interventions are needed progressively to make sure that a large count of commuters is benefitted.

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