
Goa Airport now all set to ensure smooth supply of medical essentials to the state!

Knocksense Staff

In the wake of the surging COVID cases during the second wave of the pandemic, the shortage of COVID essentials has been a major issue, along with timely deliveries. Given this scenario, the Goa International Airport and its frontline corona warriors are all geared up to ensure smooth delivery of medical essentials, as per a statement by the Ministry of Civil Aviation on Friday. Further, as per reports, the GOI had also handled three lots of COVID vaccine for Goa and one lot for Karnataka, back in January and February, this year.

Goa Airport strengthens its mission to help people

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During such times when the pandemic is worsening in the state and beyond, Goa International Airport has strengthened its mission to help the citizens in dealing with it. According to a statement by the Ministry of Civil Aviation, the airport authorities will help tackle these unprecedented circumstances created by the COVID pandemic, by ensuring a seamless supply of medical essentials. These would include COVID vaccines, Fabiflu pills, COVID-19 testing kits, amid other elements.

When the first phase of the pandemic was active, Goa International Airport reportedly supported eight LifeLine Udan flights, that were deployed for the transport of essential medical cargo, to distant regions in the country.

Additionally, the Ministry stated, "Goa Airport so far airlifted 13 boxes of Covid vaccine (Covishield) received from Chennai on April 18, 2021, 9 Boxes of Covid vaccine (Covishield) received from Mumbai on April 30, 2021, and 122 Kg of Covid-19 testing kits received from Delhi on April 23, 2021."

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