
Goa govt "positively thinking" about a full lockdown as state reports 3,869 cases on Thursday

Shifa Dutt

Amidst the surging COVID cases in the country right now, Goa continues to see a rising trend in the number of new infections coming up every day. With a total of 3,869 COVID positive cases reported on Thursday, the count of confirmed cases in the state so far reached a whopping total of 1,08,267. Reportedly, the state which is currently under stringent COVID-related curbs, is likely to go into a full lockdown, given these tallies.

Essential services to remain active, under any circumstances

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Goa, having a total population of approximately 15,40,000, has been witnessing surging COVID cases every day, with a 3% average growth rate. Holding this in regard, the governing body is now "positively thinking" about imposing a full lockdown; an official statement will be released in the coming days. If the lockdown gets a go-ahead, the officials have said that the grocery stores and shops selling essential goods, will continue to stay open to make sure that the basic requirements of the people are taken care of.

While the condition of the pandemic right now continues to be alarming, a little ray of hope can be found in the recovery rate of the state, which stands at 71.1% with a total of 2,023 recoveries noted yesterday. Though the recovery count is serving as a slight consolation, the fatality ratio is currently at 1.4% with a total of 58 fatalities reported, on May 6. A total of 6,90,359 people have been tested for the virus as yet and the vaccination drive continues to go on, with 3,73,028 doses administered to date.

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