
Private lands in Goa can now be transformed into forested areas by paying a fee

Ankur Verma

Aiming for an improved and strengthened ecosystem, the Goa government has rolled out a new initiative to boost the state's green cover, based on a partnership between citizens and the administrative authorities. As per reports, citizens can now pay the Goa State Biodiversity Board for converting their lands into cultivated areas. Reportedly, the officials will not only plant trees but also ensure proper care and maintenance for them.

Indigenous and beneficial trees to be planted

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Recently, the state government had implemented interventions for the reforestation of areas around the Mopa Airport. In view of the fruitful results, the administration came up with this plan. As a part of this initiative, vacant lands owned by the citizens will be transformed into forested areas through the plantation of indigenous and advantageous trees. Notably, reports state that the board will charge different prices for different types of land.

With the help of this scheme, the state attempts to garner support from the citizens, in its fight against climate change. Reportedly, the samplings can be planted to signify important life events like the birth of a child, an anniversary or any other special moment. Besides, citizens can also dedicate the trees to the memory of deceased their deceased loved ones. In addition to this, a foreign resident can also get a tree in his/her native village in Goa, under this program.

Officials to seek support from voluntary groups, schools & colleges

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Reportedly, a contributor who signs an agreement with the state board will be allowed to avail of the benefits from the trees. On the other hand, if an activity by the board is in association with a village committee or forest department, the produce will be shared equally between the two parties involved.

As per reports, the new saplings will be procured from the forest department or local nurseries. Further, the authorities have also planned to seek support from voluntary organisations, schools and colleges for this initiative. Given the escalated effects of climate changes, such schemes have become the need of the hour.

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