
Goa's historical sites & monuments linked to the freedom movement, to be revamped

Ankur Verma

Goa presents a striking amalgamation of the past and present. While the state has quickly refurbished itself to suit the modern demands, it never fails to implement significant measures for the preservation of its heritage. As per the latest developments, the Chief Minister of the coastal state announced that all locations and architectural complexes connected to Goa's independence movement, would be revamped as a part of a conservation project.

Goa marks 60th year of freedom from 451-year-long Portuguese rule

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The restoration work of the forts and homes of freedom fighters shall be carried out as a part of a group of initiatives, being executed to mark the 60th year of Goa's freedom from Portuguese control. Goa will be witnessing multiple projects and programmes to commemorate six decades of independence from 451-year-long Portuguese rule, for which the central government has already allocated ₹300 crores.

The renovation of these monuments of historical importance shall inspire the current generation by spreading awareness and instilling a sense of pride in them. The Chief Minister has directed the officials to ensure that no structure with historical connectivity should be left out of the renovation project. All buildings with notable links to the Goa freedom movement have to be restored and renovated.

Unused government lands to be developed into permanent public assets

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Addressing an online event that brought together rural authorities from different regions in Goa, the Chief Minister also requested the elected village panchayat representatives to locate empty government lands and dilapidated government buildings that can be restored and transformed into defined assets for the local inhabitants.

The Chief Minister was quoted as saying, "I would request you to identify and make a list of all unused government land and buildings in your respective panchayat areas. We can restore and renovate them into assets for the community." The CM further stated that the conversion of sites with depreciated structures into properties of public use can be highly beneficial for the villages. For development to be all-inclusive, the government has to give equal importance to the urban and rural regions and Goa is setting a fine example therein.

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