
Potholes in Goa will now have a digital address & location pin with this new app

Rishabh Pachory

Potholes are a major nuisance in India, no matter which state or city you are in. You never know when you're going to come across one and when you do, it's never pleasant. However, Goa's potholes have got an all-new digital address- meaning that you can see exactly where the potholes are in your area.

PinIt is the app which gives all potholes in Goa a GPS pin and an address. PinIt comes from a collaboration between ActforGoa- a social platform, NineStack- a local tech firm and road safety activist Cecille Rodrigues.

PinIt takes community input to highlight problem areas, points of interest, parks and more

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Since the app has been launched as a community effort, it is only sensible that it takes input from the community. The app helps users thematically identify assets, cultural areas as well as problem areas in neighbourhoods and flags them for either promotion or troubleshooting.

To elaborate, these "assets" and "problem areas" can be either pothole-ridden roads, piled up garbage on the side of the road and other similar points which could use some work. These features are two of the most unique points about the app, as you can find other information on Google Maps as well.

PinIt is an app not only good for identifying problem areas but also for identifying areas of cultural importance, neighbourhood points of interest, parks, recycling areas and a total of 11 other categories. In the app, anyone can suggest a change, or add a place using one of the 11 categories.

Knock Knock

An app which highlights the glaring issues of one of India's most beautiful states is perhaps something we are all in a desperate need of. The issue of stagnant garbage and potholes takes away from the charm and allure of Goa and PinIt is an app which aims to bring about a change and tackle this very issue.

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