
Taxi drivers & seafarers to be inoculated under the category of frontline workers in Goa

Ankur Verma

While extensive inoculation drives for citizens above 18 are being witnessed across different parts of the nation, Goa's vaccination program for 45+ individuals has been hit by a low rate of footfalls. In light of this, the state administration is now trying to augment the scope of immunisation through the inclusion of seafarers, motorcycle pilots and taxi drivers, in the category of frontline workers. Reports state a large count of beneficiaries will be benefitted from this latest decision.

State's plan to increase the coverage of inoculation

[rebelmouse-proxy-image https://media.rbl.ms/image?u=%2Farticle%2F153500-fotxvnbexs-1610949746.jpg&ho=https%3A%2F%2Fs01.sgp1.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com&s=639&h=3bb25842249608be7489172127a6fe6e7b41c18951f89cd839ea2fadafc07780&size=980x&c=2190784531 photo_credit="s01.sgp1.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com" dam="0" site_id=20074994 pin_description="" photo_credit_src="https://s01.sgp1.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/article/153500-fotxvnbexs-1610949746.jpg" crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//media.rbl.ms/image%3Fu%3D%252Farticle%252F153500-fotxvnbexs-1610949746.jpg%26ho%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fs01.sgp1.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com%26s%3D639%26h%3D3bb25842249608be7489172127a6fe6e7b41c18951f89cd839ea2fadafc07780%26size%3D980x%26c%3D2190784531%22%7D" expand=1] s01.sgp1.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com

As per reports, seafarers are permitted to board the ships only when they show proof of immunisation. Thus, the intervention will act to their benefit besides aiding the taxi drivers and bike pilots. Notably, lifeguards stationed at the beaches of Goa were already included in the drive for frontline workers and now, the range of recipients has been expanded further.

As per reports, in spite of multiple programs launched by the Goa government to boost the state's vaccination schedules, the response from citizens has not been significant enough. Recently, the state had initiated Tika Utsav 2.0 to enhance the vaccination coverage amongst 45+ citizens but the turnout remained to be on the lower side. Due to this, the state has stocks of leftover doses, which will now be used for vaccinating the new beneficiaries.

Presently, 18-45-year-old persons, people with comorbidities, lactating mothers, motorcycle pilots, rickshaw drivers, taxi drivers, seafarers, and the disabled can take part in the priority drives. As of now, a total of 5,28,934 vaccine jabs have been administered to the residents across Goa.

Dipping case tallies bring respite for Goa

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With 602 new infections and 1,825 recoveries reported on Monday, active tallies in Goa have gone down to a count of 12,763 patients. While a cumulative tally of 1,55,666 individuals have been affected by the fatal contagion, a total of 2,649 lives have been snuffed in the state due to the virus, till now. Despite downward trends, Goa needs to have a strong guard of caution before the effects of the second wave diffuse completely.

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