
'Vision for All' eye camps in Goa to assure better vision for all state residents

Ankur Verma

Goa is all set to witness a string of medical camps across the state facilitating improved vision for all its residents. According to reports, the Chief Minister of the coastal state announced on Thursday that 'Vision for All' eye camps will be organised at different spots in Goa as a part of a government initiative. This scheme attempts to mitigate the possibility of vision loss amongst the citizens of the state.

Scheme initiated by Goa's Directorate of Health Services

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As per reports, free diagnostic and surgery camps will be conducted as a part of the "Vision for all" scheme initiated by Goa's Directorate of Health Services. At the launch event of this project in Margao, the Chief Minister mentioned that the government is also planning to establish a super specialty hospital that would provide specialised services for the treatment of eye-related ailments.

The CM further informed that the camps conducted so far have been beneficial for the government's medical records. Through them, the administration has spotted individuals on the verge of losing eyesight and provided them with required care and treatment. Currently being implemented in the urban locations of the state, the camps would penetrate deep inside the rural areas and villages by the efforts proposed by the government.

A huge footfall of the beneficiaries at the Margao Camp

The camp conducted at Margao was marked by a huge footfall with hordes of beneficiaries from adjoining areas of Margao and Fatorda flocking to it to get their eyes examined. The camp provides facilities for getting spectacles and surgery, free of cost in addition to eye-checkups and medicine. The arrangements for these camps are being made by the collaborative efforts of the government, Prasad Netralaya Udapi Mangalore, Colorcon Company and Ravindra Bhavan Margao.

Sound health is one of the most fundamental requirements for a happy life. If the government is committed to such well-planned initiatives, the welfare of the citizens stands assured.

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