
Goan woman's friendly snapshots with a Myna bird leaves netizens in a state of wonder!

Ankur Verma

In our fast-paced lives, we often forget to appreciate the beautiful world around us. Being an exception to this, a Goan woman has made it to the headlines for displaying her love towards a Myna bird. After two snapshots of the woman with a Myna bird were shared online, they went viral in a few moments garnering fascinating from a large count of netizens. What is simply astounding for the viewers, is the comfort experienced by the bird in presence of the woman!

"When will you go home?"

[twitter_embed https://www.twitter.com/manishariprasad/status/1380379777924694016 expand=1]

The two pictures were shared on Twitter by Manish Hariprasad, a bird enthusiast. While the bird sits on the woman's head in one snap, the woman can be seen offering her hand to the divine creature in the other. Reportedly, the woman's love for birds has led her towards working for the protection of exotic birds found in a fishing village of Goa.

Speaking about the pictures, Manish said that the bird fell from its nest before it was comforted by the lady. What remained to be a heart-melting moment for her was, when she asked the bird, "When will you go home?" Another interesting thing to be noted is that the bird chose to sit on the woman's head and nowhere else.

Liked by nearly 800 people and retweeted by 114, the content was received with a significant craze online. From being touted as an inspiration to being hailed for having aspirational values, the woman was appreciated in a number of ways. Some netizens also wished if they could witness a chat between the woman and the bird, similar to the one detailed by Manish.

Knock Knock

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"What is this life if, full of care, We have no time, to stand and stare.", said W.H. Davies in 1911 and we wonder if he thought that his words would resound in a greater manifestation 100 years later. Engaged in our materialistic lives, we forget to appreciate the natural world around us. Only if we try to seek, we would know that we can find the best companions, right here!

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