
First in India, Jaipur's KVIC production cell makes 'Prakritik Paints' out of cow dung!

Muskaan Tekwani

Progressing the idea of a self-reliant India, the Khadi and Village Industry Commission (KVIC) in Jaipur has launched the country's first manufacturing unit, which is churning cow dung as colours. Set up by the Kumarappa National Handmade Paper Institute, the 'Khadi Natural Paint' production cell is an indigenous innovation to promote the rural economy, effectively.

The Union Minister of Road Transport and Highways and MSMEs on Tuesday virtually inaugurated that unit and motivated the manufacturers by ordering 1,000 litres of Prakritik Paint for his Nagpur residence. He also encouraged other young entrepreneurs to take up its production.

Cowdung paint can change the landscape of rural economy

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The KKVIC President stated that the Khadi Natural Paint manufacturing cell will be the turning point of rural growth and development. It could be the foundation stone of Jaipur's big economic move in the coming days and change the landscape of small businesses and rural setups, if it manages to acquire even a small fraction of India's ₹60,000 crore paint market.

As yet, 11,000 litres of paints have been sold via its stores and e-portals. The operations of this unit started in January this year, as a prototype project. About 500 litres of paint was prepared here manually, however, with new high-tech manufacturing units in possession now, the production capacity is set to scale up to 1,000 litres per day.

The indigenous paint has many positives over the regular paint formula, as it marked at half the price of the same and is anti-bacterial and anti-fungal as well. The solution has natural thermal insulation properties, besides being eco-friendly, non-toxic, odourless and cost-effective, the KVIC President highlighted.

KVIC to hold a 5-day training programme to promote khadi paint units

The 'Khadi Natural Paint' project has been implemented under the Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme, the President further stated. As such, the entrepreneurs engaged in its production can avail of loans with subsidies of up to 35%. It further opens a new dimension of revenue generation for the animal husbandry, which can make huge profits as raw material suppliers if the paint gets the market favour.

The KVIC has further assumed the role of sharing techniques and procedures with people who are interested to set up facilities in their villages and towns. The Commission President took this opportunity to promote the five-day training programme set up for the same. Until now, the Kumarappa National Handmade Paper Institute in Jaipur has trained 418 persons, who will set up their production units now. This will open several employment opportunities for the rural population and even aid the farmers.

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