
An inspiration for all, THIS 77-year-old 'student' from Rajasthan enrolls for 12 board exams!

Ayesha Khan

With a firm belief in the saying that there is no age limit to learning, 77-year old Hukumdas Vaishnav from Rajasthan is all set to appear for class XII examinations this year. Interestingly, this is not the first time Hukumdas has grabbed the limelight for his dedication towards completing his basic education. Read on to know more about the inspirational real-life story of Jalore's Hukumdas Vaishnav.

An undying determination

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The former government employee had earlier garnered praise from all across the globe for his determination to pass class X boards. Even after 55 failed attempts, Hukumdas did not lose hope and prepared for the 56th time, where he successfully managed to clear the examination.

Born in the year 1945 in the Sardargarh village, Hukumdas got supplementary the first time that he appeared for 10th board in 1962 but failed in his second attempt. While his friends claimed he would never be able to clear the exam ever, Hukumdas accepted the challenge and rested only after successfully passing the aforesaid examination.

Setting an example for all!

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After getting a fourth-grade job in the Ground Water Department, Hukumdas left his regular studies but he never forgot the challenge. Continuing to appear for the exam as a volunteer, Hukumdas, who retired from the Treasury Department in 2005 finally managed to pass the exam in 2019 from the State Open Board.

After successfully winning the challenge posed by his friends many years ago, Hukumdas is aiming to complete his schooling now. At the time when Hukumdas's grandson has also finished his schooling, his willingness to achieve what he has set his eyes on is truly commendable. By enrolling in class XII from State Open Board in the ongoing 2021-2022 session, this inspirational man is not only turning his dream into a reality but also setting an outstanding example for all.

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