
Jaipur Municipal Corporation, Heritage to deliver invites to all homes for COVID vaccination​

Ankur Verma

With an objective to ensure greater coverage of COVID vaccination amongst the city residents, Jaipur Municipal Corporation, Heritage is undertaking an inventive scheme. Under this initiative, special invitation letters will be delivered to all homes in Jaipur motivating the inhabitants to take the jab. Through this project, the district authorities attempt to safeguard the population amid fear of the rising second wave of accelerated infections.

Promoting the prospects of a Corona Free Jaipur

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As per reports, the letter appeals to all citizens over the age of 45 to complete the process of inoculation at the closest site as soon as possible. With this, they would not only protect themselves but also ensure the safety of others, thereby promoting the prospects of a corona-free Jaipur. In addition to this request, the letter also details all the information related to the COVID immunisation.

Reportedly, more than 2.5 lakh invitation letters will be sent to the households under JMC, Heritage. As per sources, this project will be administered by the collaborative efforts of the Revenue Officer, Chief Health Inspector and Health Inspector.

Besides this, the commissioner has asked all deputy commissioners and the city residents to assure strict adherence to guidelines and protocols related to COVID. All individuals have been asked to make sure they wear masks, follow social distancing and wash hands regularly. The authorities also aim to scale up the reach of vaccination drives and special teams are being constituted at the ward level for this purpose.

Revived fear of uncontrolled COVID cases in Jaipur

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Jaipur recorded the highest number of new COVID infections in 2021 on Thursday, standing at 242. With a cumulative count of 62,121 COVID-affected individuals and 188 new cases on Friday, Jaipur is also witnessing surging infection rates as seen in other parts of the country. In such a scenario, it becomes the need of the hour to speed up vaccination schedules.

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