
Jaipur's Jahota becomes first Rajasthan village to be declared 'Open Defecation Free plus'

Ankur Verma

Leaping forward with the national Swachcha Bharat Campaign, Jahota village in Jaipur's Jalsu Panchayat Samiti, has been tagged as an 'Open Defecation Free (ODF) Plus' entity. Reportedly, the village registered this achievement after a team of officials from the central government surveyed the solid and liquid waste systems on Thursday. Making a note of the general level of cleanliness, the authorities accorded the ODF plus status to the village, making it the first of its kind in the state.

Comprehensive efforts lead to the current accomplishment

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As per reports, ODF plus adds to the ODF plan initiated by the central government under the Swachcha Bharat Mission. It aims to promote proper solid and liquid waste management systems besides continuing with the essentials of an ODF locality. Reportedly, the village was tagged as ODF plus after the Jahota Gram Panchayat officials decided on the same. Further, it is noteworthy that the move was propelled by the investigation and analysis conducted by the central government officials.

As per reports, the panchayat officials apprised that streamlined efforts for comprehensive and meticulous waste management have been functional for the past 10 months. Coupled with the cooperation of the citizens, a number of initiatives have been helpful in getting through with the objectives of a clean village.

Knock Knock

While the Swachcha Bharat campaign has been an important step towards revamping the cleanliness and sanitation conditions of the country, further progress can only be ensured with sufficient awareness. Thereby, it is pertinent that we educate others about following better practices besides embracing them ourselves.

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