
Jaipur to keep a tab on water usage with the latest smart water meters

Ankur Verma

The water supply and management system of Jaipur is all set for a revamp by the latest efforts of the Public Health and Engineering Department. Homes in the capital city of Rajasthan would be the first in the state to be equipped with smart water meters. With the installation of this innovative device, residents would be able to keep a check on their water usage through the automatic readings. This would not only help in regulating water consumption but will also prevent its wastage.

PHED's pilot project to be implemented in Jawahar Nagar

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For the initial project of the department, proposals have been sent to higher authorities for the installation of about 6,000 water meters in the Jawahar Nagar area of Jaipur. Only after evaluating the result of this small-scale project, the department would make further plans for expansion. As per reports, the Superintendent Engineer of PHED stated that the beneficiaries of the project would be free from the inconvenience of taking manual readings as the records would be directly sent to them via email or through an SMS. This will facilitate the department in keeping an eye on the water usage by consumers and help to track any excess usage.

Reportedly, the city has witnessed illegal selling of water in recent times. Individuals have conducted illegal boring and created an unauthorized market for selling water. This maiden project would help PHED in spotting such people. Currently, an individual is allowed a maximum usage of 135 litres per day, beyond which, his consumption stands questionable.

Expected to start in July 2021

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It is estimated that the slated project for 6,000 homes would cost a total of 4.99 crores but none of this has to be borne by the beneficiaries. After the government's approval is received, tenders would be invited and it is expected that the project would commence in July 2021.

According to the current reports, the company would install meters for a period of seven years with a guarantee and PHED would have to bear no additional expenses for the maintenance once the meters are set-up.

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