
Jaipur's favourite jogging park set to open after four long months

Rishabh Pachory

After a four month long hiatus, one of Jaipur's most famous and common jogging park, Smriti Van is finally reopening for the public. Aimed to be recluse for morning walkers and joggers, the park is certainly a great place to start your day. Now that it will be reopening, Jaipurites can experience nature right here in the city.

The park was closed for the past several months due to a leopard being at large in a nearby forest. It seems that the wild cat has been contained, however, there is no confirmation on this.

What's the update?

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Smriti Van can be accessed by those of you who are willing to sign an undertaking and get a proper entry ID. The entire procedure will be charged for and you'll have to shell out ₹55 for just one of these. This can be alluded to the fact that the leopard still roams free.

Essentially, signing up for this is mandatory, meaning that those of you who do go in know the risks involved. To keep a tab on the comings and goings of people, the forms and ID cards should help. Apart from that, there are also strict timing restrictions. Visitors can only be present in Smriti Van park from 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM, which should be enough for a walk or a jog.

With the leopard on the loose, the authorities have taken a few precautionary measures- registration and ID being one of them. They have installed signages, route markers and have made a designated track, which should be enough to keep you out of harm's way. The signages and markers should help you navigate your way through the park in case you're lost.

Knock Knock

So, as it turns out, the park is going to be open for you folks, but just during the mornings. If you're looking to start your day face to face with a leopard, you know where to be.

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