
Schools in Jaipur reopen for classes 1 to 5 in an odd-even format

Muskaan Tekwani

All primary schools in Rajasthan have reopened their gates to welcome back students after the long COVID-19 hiatus. As per reports, an odd-even format will be followed in order to ensure social distance during offline sessions. Only 50% of the student capacity will be allowed to attend classes on a day, while the other 50% will be called the following day.

SOPs for reopening of schools

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As directed by an order issued by the state government, all primary schools in Rajasthan have to comply with set standard COVID-19 protocols to ensure the safety of all those who are attending schools. Besides staggering the crowds on an odd-even basis, the school staff also has to conduct regular thermal checks of students, before they enter the classes.

All activities that promote the gathering of students, such as assemblies, sports and breaks will be suspended. Students are expected to get their lunch boxes and water bottle from home as any cafeteria, canteen or water coolers will remain closed.

There is no compulsion to attend schools, added reports. Online classes will continue for those who feel hesitant to return to school. Students are permitted to offline classes without their regular uniforms, added government orders.

Knock Knock

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All schools in Rajasthan were shuttered amid the emergent peak of the second wave of coronavirus, earlier this year. However, with the dipping scale of the infection and bolstered vaccination now, the state seems to have secured an upper hand on the COVID-19 spread.

The public is still advised to follow all precautionary guidelines for the threat of the pandemic is yet not over. Special attention must be ensured for children safety, especially amid the fears of the 'third wave' rise, which is set to target this unvaccinated lot.

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