
Section 144 restrictions extended by a month in Jaipur and other Rajasthan districts

Ankur Verma

Rajasthan's home department has issued directives to continue the restraints imposed under sector 144 in all 33 districts of the state till March 21. With regards to this, district authorities and administrators have been instructed to ensure that all the provisions are strictly adhered to.

A step to protect residents from the highly contagious virus

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Imposed at the start of the pandemic on March 18, 2020, Section 144 would complete almost one year of its implementation in the state soon. The previous notice released by the home department on January 22 entailed provisions to extend the restrictions for a period of one month. On November 21, 2020, the department had renewed the guidelines asking authorities in Jaipur and Jodhpur to make sure stringent execution of the regulations.

Reportedly, the home secretary said that the current extension has been planned to ensure that the residents of the state are saved from the dangers of the highly contagious virus. The government's intervention aims to arrest further, the already dampening spread of the virus so that the state can transition soon to the dismal number of active cases.

Stable COVID tallies in Rajasthan

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On Tuesday, Rajasthan registered a confirmed cumulative tally of 3,19,626 COVID cases with an active patient load of 1,206 and 2,785 fatalities. The state capital, Jaipur has witnessed a cumulative count of 59,380 COVID patients while the active caseload stood at 277 on Tuesday. It is notable that 8,21,059 vaccine doses have been administered to the beneficiaries in the state, so far. While the state is observing a controlled rise in cases, it needs to be doubly sure before phasing out restrictions.

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