
All domestic airlines in India permitted to operate at 100% capacity from October 18!

Ayesha Khan

Considering the downward trajectory of the receding COVID cases in the country, the Ministry of Civil Aviation has permitted domestic airlines to operate at 100% capacity from October 18. Witnessing the sequential monthly rise in domestic air passenger traffic in India since July, the administration has planned on removing all the current capacity restrictions on flights across the country.

Flights operating at 85% capacity at present

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Amidst the festive season, the aviation department has taken this step aiming to bring back the normalcy in flight operations. While the cap on domestic flight capacity is set at 85% currently, between June 1 and July 5, the cap stood at a mere 50%. Further, this limit was increased to 65% between July 5 and August 12. At present, the cap is set at 85% of the pre-COVID occupancy.

COVID-mandated guidelines to be followed during the travel

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The order from the Civil Aviation Ministry read "After review of the current status of scheduled domestic operations vis-a-vis passenger demand for air travel in terms of purpose specified in the initial order dated May 21, 2020... It has been decided to restore the scheduled domestic air operations with effect from 18.10.2021 without any capacity restrictions".

As per the order, the airlines must ensure strict adherence to the guidelines in order to contain the spread of this deadly virus. Additionally, the airport operators must also ensure enforcement of COVID appropriate behaviour during the travel.

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