
IIT Kanpur to track & assess the causes of rising air pollution in Delhi

Avnita Agrawal

Stepping forward to a greener and cleaner environment, Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) has signed an MoU with the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. With the materialisation of this agreement, the top-notch technical institution will work to uncover the causes of air pollution in Delhi. Reportedly, IIT-K will conduct weekly, monthly and seasonal checks to investigate the reasons of impure air. Consequently, it would give suggestions for better management and mitigation.

IIT Kanpur to uncover the origin of air pollution in Delhi

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The effect of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, molecular markers, secondary organic and inorganic aerosols will be studied, added reports. Additionally, the impact of nitrogen oxides, ozone, sulphur dioxide, elemental carbon, organic carbon and other organic compounds will be observed carefully. Going by reports, a refined Mobile Air Quality Laboratory will be set up to monitor the air quality in various areas, every day.

Simultaneously, a detailed action plan will also be generated to refine the air quality of Delhi and other states. As per reports, Professor Mukesh Sharma of IIT Kanpur has formulated a comprehensive scheme, including all the execution details of the project. A team of IIT Kanpur, IIT Delhi, IISER Mohali and The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) will play a major role in this endeavour.

In a bid to identify the sources of pollution, the repercussions of motor vehicles, stubble burning, biomass burning, factories and industries will be analysed.

Knock Knock

While several measures are being taken by government agencies to check air pollution in the country, it is important that every citizen is aware of the alarming state of affairs. Hence, every individual should do their bit in controlling air pollution by opting for greener solutions.

-With inputs from The Logical Indian.

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