
IIT Kanpur to assist NDMC in finding inventive solutions for civic problems

Ankur Verma

IIT Kanpur has actively partnered with different organisations across the country in order to execute several innovative projects. The Startup Incubation and Innovation Centre of the institute has marked its association with the North Delhi Municipal Corporation for an unparalleled initiative called 'CiTe- Civic Tech Innovation Launchpad', as stated by reports. Started on Friday, this 15-day event is witnessing a competition between start-ups and creators to find inventive solutions for common civic problems.

IIT Kanpur to provide technical and business guidance to startups

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This program is being implemented to encourage startups and entrepreneurial ventures to devise pioneering remedies for tackling everyday civic issues. This includes problems ranging from waste management and water management to town planning, sanitation and hygiene, amongst others. Through a contest between innovators, this initiative aims to garner cost-effective and long-term solutions which can be easily put to use.

According to reports, this launch pad shall assist and reinforce three excelling proposals from amongst the ideas presented at the event. The selected projects will be given guidance in the field of technology and business at SIIC, IIT Kanpur, a statement by NDMC said. Supported by the top-notch technical institute in the country, the start-ups would implement and augment their ideas.

Selected projects to receive a grant of ₹ 25 lakhs

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As per reports, the Mayor mentioned that CiTe is an unprecedented initiative that is providing a framework of support to start-ups and innovators to usher in enterprising and feasible solutions. Reportedly, the civic organisation informed that innovators would be granted fellowship amount worth ₹ 25 lakhs aided with prototype development support under the provisions of CiTe. If all goes as planned, the schemes developed under this flagship program may revamp the route to addressing civic problems.

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