
Upcoming biodiversity park in Kanpur to preserve & protect the local Ganga Basin ecosystem!

Ayesha Khan

With a vision to safeguard and conserve the biodiversity around the Ganga Basin, the National Green Tribunal (NGT) has directed all the cities located near it to develop biodiversity parks spanning over 50 acres. In line with this, the Kanpur Development Authority has planned to convert its dream project of Botanical Garden into a biodiversity park scheme now. This decision has been made after a high-level committee summoned a meeting to discuss development programs for the city.

Delhi University to assist KDA in the development project

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For this project, KDA has asked for assistance from Delhi University, which has been working on a special program for conserving biodiversity parks, for a long time. Working under the directive of courts, the central university is conducting various projects for NGT, across different parts of the country.

The nodal officer of this project from Delhi University, Dr. Faiyaz Khudsar made an official 2-day tour to Kanpur in August. While visiting the site, Dr. Faiyaz asserted that the region is fit for building the proposed biodiversity park. Further, he proceeded to engage in a comprehensive discussion with the Commissioner, Vice Chairman of KDA and officers from the forest and irrigation departments.

Project to be undertaken in three phases

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As per the officer, the project is proposed to be undertaken in three different phases. The first phase will focus on de-silting the water body and Ganga entry point in the locale. Followed by this, an intensive plantation drive will be undertaken in the region, based on the Ganga basin's local ecosystem. In the third and final phase, supportive infrastructure will be constructed in the area, including washrooms, parking lots, galleries, walkways and exhibition centres.

-With inputs from TOI

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