
River ranching to reduce pollution & enhance the cleanliness of Ganga in UP

Ankur Verma

In a move to ehannce the ecosystem of Ganga, the Uttar Pradesh government has decided to initiate the measure of river ranching. Being implemented under the Namami Gange campaign, this intervention will enhnace the cleanliness of the river and mitigate the effects of pollution. As a part of this project, the Department of Fisheries has prepared a plan to introduce 15 lakh fishes of varied species into the river.

10% of total fishes to be introduced in Ghazipur and Varanasi sections

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As per the plans, the fishes will be transferred into the river from nearly 12 districts, lying in the eastern and western areas of Uttar Pradesh. While 10% of the total fishes will be introduced in the Ghazipur and Varanasi sections of the river, Mirzapur, Prayagraj, Kaushambhi, Pratapgarh, Kanpur, Hardoi, Bahraich, Bulandshahr, Amroha and Bijnor. It is expected that the project will usher a range of benefits including sustainable fisheries, reducing habitat degradation, conserving biodiversity and maximising social-economic benefits.

Notably, sewage treatment plants have been constructed in the past and a special Ganga Task Force was also deployed under the ongoing campaign. Now, the latest initiative of river ranching will improve marine life and raise groundwater besides reducing pollution. N.S. Rahmani, Deputy Director, Department of Fisheries informed that different types of fishes will be cultured and introduced, that will keep a check on factors that elevate nitrogen levels.

Collective marine environment to be improved & safegaurded

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Rahmani asserted that around 1500 kg of fish in a habitat of 4,000 square metres help in controlling 1 mg of nitrogen waste per litre. In alignment with this, the 15 lakh fishes will help to dampen the excessive nitrogen levels in the river. As per estimates, a nitrogen level of more than 100 mg per litre is adverse to marine life and diversity. This hampers the reproduction process for the wishes, which might cause extinction in the long run.

With the upcoming project, the officials aim to increase the fish stock in the waterbody, which will grow and multiply to safegaurd the collective marine environment. It has been informed that an array of fishes will be introduced including Rohu, Catla and Mrigal.

- With inputs from IANS

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