
Kanpur's Shiksha Sopan is transforming lives of the underprivileged, one student at a time!

Ayesha Khan

An initiative of the Indian Institute of Kanpur, Shiksha Sopan is a non-government organisation that works for the upliftment of deprived sections of the society through meaningful education. Led by students, staff members and local enthusiasts, this group works in association with villages near the campus. Established with the help of Padma Shri professor H. C. Verma in the year 2001, Shiksha Sopan works on the principle of its name, which means 'education to be used as a ladder'.

Centres & Projects of Shiksha Sopan

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In an attempt to make science popular in rural and semi-urban areas, this establishment runs an informal school, evening centres and conducts programs in this regard. It works to create a link between classroom teaching and everyday experiences. With projects and activities based on 'doing, observing and learning', their educational module goes beyond the usual 'chalk-and-talk'.

Sopan Anaupcharik Shikshan Kendra, the informal school caters to the academic requirements of about 75 children coming from labour class families of Bara Sirohi village. At present, there are two evening centers run by this ago, one at Old SAC in IIT Kanpur and the other in Bara Sirohi. Open for students of 4-12 standard from the vicinity, these centres offer a two hours class, in a bid to ensure after-school assistance.

Shiksha, Sanskar & Swavalamban

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Shiksha Sopan works on the three key pillars of the contemporary world- Shiksha (education), Sanskar (culture) and Swavalamban (self-reliance). Having modified the lives of over 600 families living near IIT-Kanpur in a span of 20 years, it conducts programs for social awareness, personality development, youth employment and empowering scholarship. The aim of this NGO is to develop a practical model of education and build a society of well-informed, socially conscious, confident and independent individuals.

Modes of financial contribution

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Starting from a modest expense of ₹22,086 in 2001, Shiksha Sopan now has an annual expenditure of more than ₹15 lakh. Though IIT Kanpur is the primary support of this establishment, well-wishers and organisations can help them by contributing financially, in the form of cash, cheques and demand drafts. This fund is used for managing its schemes like Community Library, Higher Education Cell, VNK Merit Scholarship, Creating e-Resource and other similar facilities.

Knock Knock

Nelson Mandela once said, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" and Shiksha Sopan is turning this idea into reality. With its extensive efforts, the NGO is lending a helping hand to a large number of children ensvisioning a better social ecosystem for all!

Location: Sopan Ashram at Nankari and Shiksha Sopan School at JVS tower, Kalyanpur, Kanpur.

Official Website: Shiksha Sopan

Contact number: 9506611484

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