
Kanpur's Jain Glass Temple marks 150 years with festivities over a three-day period

Sugandhaa Pandey

Shri Dharmnath Swami Temple belonging to the Svetambar Jains, also known as the Jain Glass Temple, is organising religious ceremonies across a three-day period in honour of its 150th foundation day. Initially built out of stone, this temple was transformed by Lala Raghunath Bhandari with colourful glasses and meenakari work which has turned it into a major international tourist attraction. Visit the temple to participate in prayers and treat yourself with exquisite artworks!

Temple purification & other rituals

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The Jain Glass Temple is celebrating 150 years of its completion in February 2021. A three-day festival, beginning on 23 February, and culminating on Thursday, 25 February, is being hosted to celebrate this historic occasion. '18 Abhishek Pujan', a temple purification ceremony in the Jain religion where 18 urns of different herbs and holy water are used and a religious music ceremony was conducted on Tuesday.

Today, a historical tour of the Shri Siddha Chakra Pujan Temple and aarti ceremony with 108 earthen lamps will be organised. Tomorrow's list of festivities includes Sattarbhedi Puja and Dhwaja Mahotsava, traditional ceremonies conducted to pay obeisance to the Jain Tirthankars.

A look inside the temple

[rebelmouse-proxy-image https://media.rbl.ms/image?u=%2Fimages%2F%2Ftourist-places%2Fjain-glass-temple-kanpur%2Fjain-glass-temple-kanpur-tourism-entry-ticket-price.jpg&ho=https%3A%2F%2Fkanpur.tourismindia.co.in&s=359&h=cf107523080517f4c0670cf95d814d386a081257131555c62fea5c379d2c0051&size=980x&c=2508391185 photo_credit="kanpur.tourismindia.co.in" pin_description="" dam="0" caption="" photo_credit_src="https://kanpur.tourismindia.co.in/images//tourist-places/jain-glass-temple-kanpur/jain-glass-temple-kanpur-tourism-entry-ticket-price.jpg" crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//media.rbl.ms/image%3Fu%3D%252Fimages%252F%252Ftourist-places%252Fjain-glass-temple-kanpur%252Fjain-glass-temple-kanpur-tourism-entry-ticket-price.jpg%26ho%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fkanpur.tourismindia.co.in%26s%3D359%26h%3Dcf107523080517f4c0670cf95d814d386a081257131555c62fea5c379d2c0051%26size%3D980x%26c%3D2508391185%22%7D" expand=1] kanpur.tourismindia.co.in

Among the several religious relics of the Jain religion that find a home at this temple, is the idol of Dharmanath Swamiji, the 15th Jain Tirthankar, and Shri Suparshvanatha Swamiji, the 7th Jain Tirthankar. The garden located in the center of the temple, gives it an aura of serenity and calm. The temple walls are ornamented with a glass display of the visuals of Bihar's Sammed Shikarji Teerth Kshetra, where 20 out of 24 Jain Tirthankars attained nirvana, in Iranian and Rajasthani style of artistic creativity.

Knock Knock

If art and beauty arouse peacefulness within you, then Jain Glass Temple is the place you should definitely visit. A haven for devotees of all religions, the tranquillity of this place will help you in unlocking higher stages of meditation!

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