
Mini stadiums & sports competitions to boost sports in rural Uttar Pradesh

Ayesha Khan

The government of Uttar Pradesh is establishing mini stadiums in rural areas to promote sports and to sharpen the skills of budding sportspersons in the state. Further, the administration will also be organising rural sports events at all 75 districts here under the ambit of this initiative. As per reports, these contests will be arranged at the block level, with the help of state-allocated funds.

Construction of 20 mini stadiums is presently underway

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The UP administration has set the ball rolling to set up mini stadiums to ensure that the youth from the rural sector has adequate resources and opportunities in athletic fields. As per officials, around 20 mini stadiums are currently under construction, while another 30 are sanctioned and pipelined as well.

A government spokesperson said, "The idea behind the whole exercise is to tap the immense talent in the rural areas and give them a national and international platform. By setting up mini stadiums in the rural areas, the government will give the youth opportunities and the facilities for the exposure."

The entire state machinery is taking progressive steps to encourage sports and athletics in Uttar Pradesh in a bid to train local talent for international leagues and tournaments. The UP Chief Minister had also felicitated Indian medal winners of the Tokyo Olympic Games, in Lucknow last month, to further the agenda.

Each district receives funds to organise these events

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As per reports, the state government is arranging sports contests across the rural sector to motivate youth to pursue different games. Each district has been allocated a fund of ₹40,000 to conduct these events. Block-level games and tournaments are also being hosted here to cultivate an aptitude for sports in remote regions. This scheme has been positioned to create a better platform for rustic talent to showcase their skills.

A total of 18 divisional and 6 zonal level competitions were organised by the state government, in the year 2020-21. These rural sports competitions were mapped out in 701 development blocks of 62 districts in Uttar Pradesh.

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