
'Oxygen Langar' by Guru Singh Sabha in Kanpur breathes life into severe COVID patients

Ankur Verma

Affected by the dire consequences of the second COVID wave, the infected patients in Kanpur are facing a daily battle with the fluctuating oxygen supply in the city. As an altruistic move to provide quick relief for such individuals, the Guru Singh Sabha is conducting 'oxygen langar' for those unable to find oxygen. As per reports, the facility currently has 10 beds for patients with dipping oxygen levels and there are plans to add more as soon as possible.

56 COVID patients benefitted from the 'langar' on Wednesday

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Reportedly, the workers at the centre were successful in fulfilling the oxygen requirements of around 56 patients on Wednesday. While the crunch in supply is being witnessed by all, the group of committed individuals at this centre is striving relentlessly to assure help to as many people as possible. When hospitals are failing to provide relief, this attempt by the socially conscious leaders in Kanpur comes as a boon for the COVID victims.

20 oxygen plants to be installed in Kanpur within 60 days!

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Reportedly, 20 oxygen plants are also expected to come up in Kanpur, which will start operations within 60 days from now. The authorities are trying their best to procure permissions from departments for these projects in the next 72 hours. Once functional, these plants would add 40 thousand cubic metres of medical grade oxygen to the supplies in the city, as stated by reports.

In addition to this, reports state that a total of 54 industrialists in Uttar Pradesh have submitted applications for setting up oxygen plants in different parts of the state. Amongst these, Kanpur might get a remarkable share of oxygen production plants which would not only cater to the city's demands but also ensure seamless flow of the medical necessity in all areas of the state.

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