
Strictness to scale at containment zones in Kanpur amid alarming rise of COVID-19 infections!

Muskaan Tekwani

In a bid to curtail the volatile spread of coronavirus infections in Kanpur, district authorities on Friday, announced to increase surveillance at all containment zones in the territory. As per reports, fresh instructions have been issued to station police officials and beat officers round the clock, at each such restricted areas in the city. These officials will be further assisted by the patrolling officers. Additionally, the Deputy Commissioner of the Police has directed to ensure that no one, except for essential services personnel are allowed entry in places that nurse over one COVID case.

Kanpur Police to adopt strict measures to break infection spread

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Despite the surging threat of a raging pandemic, Kanpur is shrouded in a sense of laxity and callousness. While hotspots and containment zones were completely sealed last year, this time around, several cases of negligence have emerged, raising alarms and COVID tallies here. On Friday, an easy public movement was noted in several containment zones in the city, such as Tilak Nagar, Kakadev and Swaroop Nagar among others.

As consequence, police officers have now resorted to strict restrictions and vigil to ensure that this movement is curtailed. The Deputy Commissioner of Police, Kanpur, has further directed the officer in charge at all police stations to monitor containment zones in their jurisdictions, at regular intervals. All people, except for those involved in essential services, will not be allowed to move freely. Violation or disobedience of these norms will result in penalisation.

On Friday, Kanpur's case tallies surged by 777 new cases to reach a cumulative tally of 77,522 infections. On the other hand, around 1,647 recoveries were noted here in the last 24 hours. With 31 deaths, the district logged in the highest share of deaths reported in UP on Friday. As yet, around 1,401 people have succumbed to the virus here.

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