
Visitors Gallery & Cricket Museum in Kanpur's Green Park Stadium to house a medley of memories!

Ankur Verma

Having been a witness to all three formats of cricket, the Green Park Stadium in Kanpur has successfully conducted over 500 test matches. Now, the historic stadium complex is all set for a revamp with proposed introductions of a visitors gallery, pavilion and cricket museum within its premises. According to reports, the state administration and sports authority have already issued a no-objection certificate, furthering the execution of the project.

Photo gallery, virtual cricket pitch, selfie points & much more!

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An initiative of Smart City Limited, this project would set up the new establishments in the director's pavilion. According to reports, the Commissioner stated that the directorate pavilion was rendered empty after Green Park Stadium received a new pavilion for operations. Reportedly, the Kanpur Smart City will invest an amount of ₹ 5 crores in this project.

Addressing a long-drawn wish of the cricket lovers in the city, it is proposed that the visitors gallery and museum shall become a storehouse of some of the choicest moments from the stadium's history. In addition to housing memorable pictures, the museum shall also present an exciting array of unforgettable moments in terms of newspaper cuttings, best matches, trophies, cricket kits amongst other things. The new complex shall also encircle within its boundaries a virtual cricket pitch, cafeteria, toilet, souvenir shops, selfie points and a 24-seater theatre that would screen short 15-minute films.

After the Smart City corporation submitted its proposals, the sports department gave its approval for the project. Reportedly, the latest establishment will be managed by the divisional sports promotions committee under the leadership of the district commissioner.

Knock Knock

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It is expected that the Kanpur stadium would be soon re-designed on the lines of other top-notch stadiums in the country. While a comprehensive boost has been long-awaited in the field of sports, the evident shift in the government's focus is sure to garner fruitful results at this Kanpur stadium.

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