Enjoy a music filled weekend in Indore with Amit Trivedi

Enjoy a music filled weekend in Indore with Amit Trivedi

Gear yourself up for a weekend of epic proportions because Amit Trivedi is coming to Indore. The singer will be in town as a part of the Royal Challenge Bold League Madhya Pradesh State Finals and we can’t wait for the tantalizing performance over the weekend.

On Sunday, Amit Trivedi will be coming to the city and will perform at Velvet Gardens in the city. The show is a fun packed, lively event where entertainment blends its roots with cricket.

There will be an exciting cricket match first and it will be followed by the mega performance by Amit Trivedi, where you can be immersed in the mesmerising tunes. Indore had long been waiting for the mega musician to make an appearance in the city and they’re finally getting what they wanted.

Amit Trivedi is a well known musician from the growing Indian music scene and is best recognized for his immaculate lyrics and heart moving music. He occasionally pairs it with a great breath of fresh and innovative techniques that make his music all the more wholesome. His musical style is extremely varied and touches upon a variety of different genres.

How to book tickets for the event: Give a missed call on 1800 121 4545 and answer a few simple questions to stand a chance to win free tickets!

Date: January 20, 2019

Location: Velvet Gardens, Indore

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