Direct flights from Ranchi to Goa and Lucknow to start in March

Direct flights from Ranchi to Goa and Lucknow to start in March

The trip to Goa from Ranchi, which usually takes 7 to 8 hours due to non-availability of direct flights, will only take around 2 hours.

Flying to the party capital of India from Ranchi is set become a lot more convenient with the introduction of direct flights from Ranchi to Goa, that are expected to start in March. Flights from Ranchi to Lucknow will likely also begin this month, as per Indigo airlines' summer schedule, which was reportedly provided to Birsa Munda airport in Ranchi. Tourists, business persons and frequent travellers alike can benefit from these upcoming flights.

When are the new flights starting?

As per Indigo's summer schedule, the flight from Ranchi to Goa will take off on March 26 while the flight on the Ranchi-Lucknow route will begin from March 28. The proposed flight to Lucknow will operate on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday while the flight on the Ranchi-Goa route will fly on Monday, Friday and Sunday.

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