2 kids make Goa proud as they are amongst the top 20 in the 'Coding Pathshala 2020'

2 kids make Goa proud as they are amongst the top 20 in the 'Coding Pathshala 2020'

The future of Goa is safe in the hands of the bright, young youth.

Two kids from Goa made the tourist state proud as they made their way into the top 20 of the "Coding Pathshala 2020". This is a monumental achievement for Goa and the future of its students.

The "Coding Pathshala 2020" is an initiative of Young Indians with association of Jabalpur Smart City Incubation Centre, LNCT, Cinfy Systems. Earlier, they had launched a 21 day campaign of free coding classes for children between the age of 6 to 16, making it the largest training program in India. Two Goan kids made it to the top 20.

A bright future for Goa

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From Goa, 48 students had enrolled in the programme. The final goal was to publish an app on the Google play store, which could then be downloaded by users for a small price. Out of the 48 students, Yug Dalvi and Fia Fernandes were the only ones from Goa who made it to the top 20. Incidentally, the youngest Goan in the lot was just 7 years old.

Students will change the landscape of Goa in the coming years

These are the students who will go forward and will bring new technological heights to Goa. The future of the state is in the students' hands and with such amazing progress, we can rest assured that the state is in for a secure future.

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