'Uniquely Goan', Tourism Policy 2020 strives to make Goa one of the safest tourist destinations

'Uniquely Goan', Tourism Policy 2020 strives to make Goa one of the safest tourist destinations

Experience Goa, like never before!

Goa's Tourism Policy 2020 aims to create a 'Uniquely Goan' experience for the visitors wherein a blend of historic, ethnic, natural, cultural locations as well as attractions of the state will give a wholesome exposure to tourists. This new policy aims to rebrand and remarket Goa, by focussing on providing a seamless experience to travellers with fast, reliable, affordable and comfortable transport facilities.

Tourism in Goa to get Revamp with New Tourism Policy

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Under the new Tourism Policy, the focus will be dispersed from the immensely popular beaches in Goa, and will be shifted towards the neglected hinterland and eco-tourism. The 'party hub' of the nation will be remarketed to attract diversified tourist groups with culture, eco-tourism, heritage, nature, coastal and other entertainment-based attractions.

With this new strategy in process, Goa plans to achieve the status of the most preferred destination around the year 2024. Goa Tourism Policy 2020 will be the backbone of all upward decisions for planning, development and marketing of state tourism.

Knock Knock

For a state whose economy is largely dependent on the tourist influx, this new, improved and 'Uniquely Goan' experience will surely attract large tourist groups and revamp the position of Goa from being just the party hub. Opening up new places and putting them on the tourist's map, will definitely make way for new and increased employment opportunities for the locals. Let's hope the new policy achieves what it envisions and travellers and tourists get to explore Goa in a more fulfilled way, in future!

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