District health authority sets up 6 centres for vaccination of women in Indore on Saturday

District health authority sets up 6 centres for vaccination of women in Indore on Saturday

As per reports, the authorities have stated that these centres will have a female staff, including the operators.

In an initiative to boost the vaccination program in Indore, the city officials have established nearly 6 women-specific vaccination centres for administering immunity booster jabs to the females on Saturday. Reportedly, these sites have been set up in areas that have witnessed hesitancy amidst the female population to visit the common centres. As per reports, these facilities are functional across Daulatganj, Khajrana, Chandan Nagar, Azad Nagar, Juni Risala and Sawadipura.

A move to encourage vaccination amongst the females

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Observing the vaccination records of Indore, it can be easily inferred that a larger count of men have received lifesaving jabs in the city as compared to the females. As per reports, the officials have stated that females from certain areas have shown reluctance in taking the vaccine jab. In view of this, these centres are being instituted and it is expected that more such facilities will come up in future.

Reportedly, an authority affirmed that these specialised centres have an entire female workforce, including the operators. Given this, it is anticipated that the women will get a comfortable environment at the vaccination centre. This, in turn, would encourage more and more women to take vaccine doses. Thus, the authorities envision bridging up the gender gap crop has cropped in the vaccination program, through the latest intervention.

Over 22 lakh jabs given to the beneficiaries in Indore

As of now, 22,62,426 doses of the COVID vaccine have been administered in Indore. While the onslaught of the second wave did affect the vaccine schedules badly, they have been revived in an accelerated mode now. Currently, the city has 195 active cases while 7 infections and 45 recoveries were logged on Friday.

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