Electricity company officials in Indore to use pollution-free e-vehicles from 2021

Electricity company officials in Indore to use pollution-free e-vehicles from 2021

A charging station to power up these vehicles is being set up at the Polo Ground at Indore.

Making a statement in the field of technology, the Madhya Pradesh Western Region Power Distribution Company company has decided to use electric vehicles, starting 2021. These vehicles will be used by the employees of the electricity department and this move will further send out an 'environment-friendly message' to the people of Indore and across Madhya Pradesh. The power-run motor vehicles neither emit smoke nor make much noise, promoting the identity of clean Indore and its sustainable development.

Indore- The icon of sustainable development

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The Indore Smart City stands as the commercial capital of Madhya Pradesh and any development here, sets a benchmark for the rest of the state to follow. In a bid to promote the idea of sustainability, the Madhya Pradesh Western Region Power Distribution Company has planned on using electric vehicles in 2021. A charging station to power up these vehicles is being set up at the Polo Ground here.

About seven e-vehicles have been bought and placed at the headquarters of the Madhya Pradesh Western Region Power Distribution Company. Along with the managing director, six other officials of the company will also use e-vehicle in the new year and promote the environmentally safer alternative. Preparations have been made to build a charging station, which is expected to be completed by next month.

The Managing Director of the company said "e-vehicle is the demand of time and it has more importance in a Smart City like Indore. That is why we have decided to adopt e-vehicle."

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