Police personnel and public join hands to educate children in Indore slums

Police personnel and public join hands to educate children in Indore slums

Operation Smile, envisions to create a happy present and a happier future for these kids in Indore.

Indore's Operation Smile is a joint venture undertaken by the cops and civilians to impart education to underprivileged children in the city of Indore. Conceptualised in 2016, this programme has been working for 4 years, providing Sunday weekly classes to young children from the city slums, inculcating the value of education among them. These classes, amid the outbreak of a life-threatening pandemic, have provided young students with a chance to get back to their studies, paving way for their brighter future.

Education for slum children in Indore

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Speaking to sources, a police officer stated that the inspiration for these classes comes from their own family backgrounds. The volunteers of this programme belong to middle-class families and are working since the last 4 years to ensure that these kids do not face the same hurdles as encountered by the volunteers.

According to statements, these weekly classes started with 4 to 5 slum kids who influenced more children to join the classes. At present, about 40-50 students attend these classes, where all classroom supplies, like books and notebooks, have been provided to the students by the volunteers. This attempt is to make the students and their families understand the value of education and to promote education in the Indore city.

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