With a new flyover, Indore is set to bid goodbye to traffic woes

With a new flyover, Indore is set to bid goodbye to traffic woes

Read on to know more!

In a matter of a few weeks, Indoris could witness a complete turnover in the traffic situation here in the city. The upcoming and much awaited Pipliyahana Flyover in Indore is on its way to completion and it is just a matter of time before Indore bids farewell to their traffic issues.

The traffic condition in Indore has been deteriorating quite a bit with the passage of time. With the help of the flyover, the area between World Cup Square and Bengali Square will finally be congested. Owing to years of neglect, this route itself was the root of many choke points and bottlenecks.

What's the update?

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At its core, the goal is to ease out the traffic flow, which is why it is vital to cut down on bottlenecks. A larger part of this upcoming initiative focuses on making roads safe, rather than just making them traffic free. The stretch from World Cup Square and Bengali Square will soon become safer for all.

To get started with the project, the IMC has sent out a team of surveyors who will scout the area and will identify key choke points. Following that, experts from different teams will draw up a plan prior to the construction of the flyover. Work for the same will be completed once the threat of coronavirus takes a backseat.

Apart from just the flyover, the traffic police in Indore are hard at work to finally implement a range of new developments and changes to the cityscape. Along with that, there are also plans improve upon infrastructure on roads- this will include addition of new roads, new traffic signals, sidewalks and more.

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