CBSE schools in Indore declared 'No Plastic Zones'

CBSE schools in Indore declared 'No Plastic Zones'

CBSE schools in the city collaborate to ban the use of single-use plastic items at the premises.

A commendable effort has been made by schools affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education in Indore to initiate a ban on single-use plastic items on school premises. CBSE schools across Indore have set a target to make their campuses completely plastic-free by the end of this academic year.

The school management has decided to stop the usage of items such as plastic bottles, and single use tiffin boxes on the school premises. Schools have also agreed to suspend the usage of polythene bags, plastic files, and other non-biodegradable plastic products. This move comes as an added effort to Indore's plastic-free campaigns.

Students will learn perils of plastic

The schools have instructed parents to not send plastic materials with children to school. Instead, they can opt for steel lunch boxes and water bottles. Schools have even replaced plastic files with cardboard or cloth files and there are plans to introduce paper or cloth bags.

Students will be imparted with knowledge and insights about the perils of plastic pollution through various approaches such as workshops, seminars, and interactive sessions within their school premises.

A sign board indicating "No Plastic Zone" is also displayed on the grounds to motivate children. The efforts of CBSE Schools in Indre signify a united commitment to protecting the environment and fostering a generation of environmentally conscious individuals.

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