Gusty winds drop temperature in Indore on May 29; IMD predicts rain next week

Gusty winds drop temperature in Indore on May 29; IMD predicts rain next week

On May 28, Indore‘s maximum temperature stood at 36.1°C (5 degrees below normal), and the minimum temperature was recorded at 25°C (normal).

With’s summer season at its peak, temperature in Indore continued to rise for the past week. However, water-laden, gusty winds from nearby districts turned May 28 evening cool. Meanwhile, people were irked due to humid conditions as moisture incursion in the atmosphere was high.

On May 28, Indore‘s maximum temperature stood at 36.1°C (5 degrees below normal), and the minimum temperature was recorded at 25°C (normal). Meanwhile, for May 29, the maximum temp. is reported at 35°C and minimum at 24°C, highlighting a slight drop.

Cyclonic disturbance over southwest Rajasthan

According to the India Meteorological Department (IMD), a fresh western disturbance will likely begin affecting northwestern parts of India from May 29. This, in addition to the existing cyclonic circulation over southwest Rajasthan, will drench the parts of Madhya Pradesh in impressive amount of pre-monsoon showers in the coming days. Indore‘s nearby districts like Khargone, Dhar, Khandwa are likely to witness strong winds, thunder and rainfall this week. 

Due to rainfall and partially cloudy sky there chances of humidity will remain high. As per officials at India Meteorological Department (IMD), the relative humidity in Indore on May 28 morning was recorded at 66%. Meanwhile, strong winds brought it down to 43% by the evening.

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