Head to Kalakund, an abode of cardinal beauty for a vitalizing weekend trip from Indore!

Head to Kalakund, an abode of cardinal beauty for a vitalizing weekend trip from Indore!

Place of origin of the relished Indian sweet Kalakand, the village of Kalakund makes for an exhilarating weekend trip from Indore!

Gifted exquisitely with the marvels of Malwa Plateau, Indore is edged on all sides by striking locations blessed with abundant natural beauty. Amongst an aggregate of alluring adventures from the city, Kalakund is a one-stop destination for all overjoyed by the thoughts of an exciting jungle camp. Birthplace of the relished Indian sweet Kalakand, the village of Kalakund makes for an exhilarating weekend trip from Indore!

Jungle camps, the prime attraction!

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The prime charisma of Kalakund is captured by the jungle camps organised in the adjoining forests. Amongst other things, a stroll full of serenity on the banks of the Choral river promises to calm your soul and boost your spirits, all in one place. Situated close to the village is the magnificent Kushalgarh Fort which preservers in its premises the history of the mightly rulers of Malwa.

Amid the attractions offered by the camp facilities, jungle trekking is the most enjoyed experience by the tourists. From spotting special wildlife to undertaking the thrill of river-crossing, visitors can win multiple moments to be cherished forever! If your heart wishes to dance and revel amid the bounties of nature, Kalakund is definitely the perfect spot.

A scenic train tour amidst the nuances of nature

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With connectivity via heritage train running on the old metre gauge train line, the route to Kalakund is as enticing as the village itself. You can hop on this train, which passes through the middle of Indore from the railway stations in the city. Set up over 150 years ago, the train services have an array of picturesque presents for the tourists. On the way, the captivating cottage-temple dedicated to the revolutionary freedom fighter, Tantya Mama and the spectacular Patalpani waterfalls assuredly offer an experience of a lifetime!

Knock Knock

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Overshadowed by man-made attractions, modern times have left us in a dearth of natural locations unaltered by human interventions. In such circumstances, it is difficult to find a spot as refreshing as Kalakund. So, if your heart houses a knack to explore the best of nature, Kalakund surely accounts for one memorable trip! A short and an easy trip from Indore, this rejuvenating location deserves an itinerary right for the next weekend.

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