With a dip in mercury, cold waves to continue for the next 3 days in Jaipur & satellite areas

With a dip in mercury, cold waves to continue for the next 3 days in Jaipur & satellite areas

Reportedly, after a heavy shower of hailstorms and rain in Jaisalmer's Pokhran region, many villages across Rajasthan witnessed an accumulation of hails on Tuesday
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Recording the minimum temperature at 9° Celsius, Jaipur witnessed a drop in mercury, yesterday. With the ongoing western disturbances active in Afghanistan, Pakistan and adjoining areas, the temperature in Jaipur and other places in Rajasthan has been registering a dip since the last few days. According to the weather forecast, this mercury fall and the consequent cold wave will persist for the next three days, thickening the fog across Jaipur and satellite areas.

Rain & hailstorm lashes Rajasthan's Pokhran region

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While almost all the districts in Rajasthan reported the minimum temperature under 15°C, hailstorms lashed in Chhaya, Ajasar and Bodana village in the Pokharan region of Jaisalmer yesterday, read reports. Notably, the lowest temperature in Rajasthan was recorded in Fatehpur at 2.2°C. Reportedly, after a heavy shower of hailstorms and rain in Jaisalmer's Pokhran region, many villages across the state witnessed an accumulation of hails on Tuesday.

The maximum temperature in Jaipur was marked at 18°C whereas the highest rise in mercury in other districts stayed around 18 as well. The highest temperature yesterday was recorded at 17.5°C in Dholpur, 15.9°C in Phalodi, 17.3°C in Chittorgarh 17.8°C in Sawai Madhopur, 17.6°C in Alwar degrees, 17.2°°C in Kota and 17.6°C in Bhilwara.

Hailstorm becomes a cause of concern for farmers

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While the rain is said to be beneficial for the crop during this time, the hailstorm has the tendency to destroy crops. Though the farmers are happy with the rain, the hailstorm has become a cause of concern for the standing crops of cumin, isabgol, wheat and gram. With this change in temperature, cold waves are likely to affect the weather in Jaipur and the adjoining areas for the next few days as well.

-with input from IANS

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