Jaipur women produce cloth bags assuring a polythene-free Kumbh in Haridwar

Jaipur women produce cloth bags assuring a polythene-free Kumbh in Haridwar

Being labeled as a 'silent revolution', this initiative is an attempt for an eco-friendly Kumbh.

In a bid to promote a polythene-free Kumbh in Haridwar, women across many Jaipur households are stitching cloth bags for the globe's largest religious gathering. Started under the leadership of environmentalist Ashok Swadeshi, this inventive program has already witnessed the delivery of over 30,000 cloth bags for the Haridwar Kumbh, which is all set to start from April 1. Being labelled as a 'silent revolution', this initiative is an attempt for an eco-friendly Kumbh.

An attempt to prevent huge accumulation of plastic waste at Kumbh

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Speaking of this program, Swadeshi said, "Pledging for a polythene-free Kumbh, the volunteers are visiting door to door to bring out more such bags, inspiring the women to join hands to start this silent revolution." This scheme would prevent huge aggregation of plastic wastes, usually seen at such festivals.

He informed that the target of 25,000 bags has been breached and the project has been successful in supplying stocks of 30,000 bags. Besides being manufactured in the factory, the bags have been produced by over 500 women in different parts of Jaipur. With accelerated levels of production, it is expected that more bags shall be transferred to Haridwar by April 11.

20 crore individuals expected at Kumbh this year

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In order to facilitate the structured functioning of the project, small groups have been formed at the local levels. Shrikant Gupta, the head of the Nature Lover Group in Jaipur informed that these bags shall be provided to visitors at Haridwar and polythene bags will be taken from them.

Further, the collected polythene will be used in making eco-bricks to be deployed in the construction of roads, centre-tables and benches amongst other things. Shrikant also added that individuals are being trained for developing plastic bricks. With an aim to promote alternate usage of plastics, an innovative competition is being conducted at the local level where the admission fee will one such eco-brick. While 12,000 registrations have been received already, the authorities are hoping for more.

Making an appeal to the participants in this program, Skrikant said, "May we all make the Mahakumbh in Haridwar polyethene free Kumbh with our little cooperation in the national interest. Therefore, I humbly request you to cooperate in saving the environment and making a poly-free pillar by giving us cloth bags from your home according to your reverence." It is estimated that over 20 crore individuals will be flocking to Kumbh this year and the first batch of cloth has been sent to ensure easier availability.

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