Rajasthan Budget 2022-23: Jaipur soon to get a State Road Safety Institute

Rajasthan Budget 2022-23: Jaipur soon to get a State Road Safety Institute

A dedicated Rajasthan Public Transport Authority will also be set up under the Road Safety Act

In an attempt to augment safety and avoid road accidents in Rajasthan, a State Road Safety Institute is soon going to be set up in Jaipur. As announced under the Rajasthan State budget 2022-23, the administration will undertake various measures to curb mishaps in the state. Read on to know more about the upcoming development works that are aimed to make roads safer in the state.

Various measures to improve road safety in Rajasthan

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Under the ambit of road safety, the state government aims to bring Road Safety Act and set up a dedicated Rajasthan Public Transport Authority as well. In addition to this, the construction of two-lane state highways will also be carried out in full swing. Notably, the Sikar-Bikaner Highway will be transformed into an accident-free stretch to avoid mishaps on this route.

The State Road Safety Institute will carry out various responsibilities including, regular checking of drivers in the state. A strict vigil will be conducted to ensure people follow the rules wherein those found flouting the rules will be punished. According to officials, the administration is planning to implement various short-term as well as long-term measures to make road travel safer.

In addition, the budget also highlighted various provision with context to employment generation under the Indira Gandhi Urban Employment Guarantee Scheme, medical insurance under 'Chiranjeevi Yojana' and implementation of the old pension scheme.

-with inputs from the TOI.

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