Rajasthan bags second position in the nationwide State Energy Efficiency Index 2020
In a big step forward towards energy efficiency, Rajasthan has aced the second position at the State Energy Efficiency Index (SEEI) announced by the Ministry of Power. As per the latest assessment, Rajasthan scored 61 points, clocking in a remarkable improvement with respect to the previous score of 18.5 in the SEEI index of 2019. Reportedly, Karnataka has secured the first position on the 2020 list.
Rajasthan has climbed the ladder to become a Frontrunner
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The director of ACS Energy, Dr Subodh Agarwal said, "It is a major leap for Rajasthan and has been possible due to focused approach and policy initiatives of the state government. The Solar Energy Policy 2019 and the Wind and Hybrid Energy Policy 2019 have emerged as a major facilitator for harnessing the natural advantage Rajasthan holds in the renewable energy sector."
According to stats, the SEE evaluates every state in four categories namely, Aspirant, Contenders, Achievers and Frontrunners. The Aspirants, as the name suggests achieve a score below 30 whereas the Contenders tally around 30 to 50. Achievers mark the tally of 50 to 60 and the Frontrunners leapfrog to achieve a score of 60 and above.
In this order, Rajasthan has jumped from one end of the spectrum to another with its exceptional score in a single term (from Aspirants to Frontrunners), making a strong statement of its dynamic evolution in the field of energy conservation.
The SEEI 2020 evaluated performances of 36 states & Union territories
Furthermore, the SEEI 2020 evaluated the performances of about 36 states and Union territories in the energy efficiency test by taking 68 qualitative, quantitative and outcome-based indicators into consideration. These indexes accumulated to a maximum score of 100 overlooking 6 sectors.
An official statement proclaimed that the Energy Minister of Rajasthan will be in charge of enacting the policies and implementing the necessary procedures. Additionally, Rajasthan is the only state to have established an ECBC cell in the state's PWD which works under the supervision of the Chief Architect of PWD. The state was also recognized for its energy-saving initiatives like street lighting, water, sewerage and non-PAT industries.
position can also be attributed to the initiatives of the Rajasthan State Development Authority which organises the Rajasthan Energy Conservation Awards (RECA) every year for 5 sectors and 50 sub-sectors.
-With inputs from ANI.
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