Government departments take action to spread awareness about Coronavirus in Kanpur

Government departments take action to spread awareness about Coronavirus in Kanpur

The various departments will come together & provide all round information on how to stay protected from the virus.
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2 min read

The COVID-19 virus has been in India for the past 7 months now and even after this long duration, there are some sections of society where people aren't as aware as they should be, about the threat, the symptoms, the causes of spread and all other important details around the virus.

In Kanpur, an effort to educate the masses about the virus and all its various aspects is being undertaken. To maximize the reach, the state government has roped in several government departments to carry out the task. The departments will consist of officials from the health, education, panchayati raj, child development and nutrition departments.

Government departments come together to educate people about Coronavirus in Kanpur

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The main goal of the various departments will be to educate families, rather than individuals. The awareness program will include all sorts of aspects about the virus- how it is spread, what can be done to reduce the spread, precautions that should be taken, diets that should be followed and more.

The teams also inform people about the lack of a vaccine as of now, so as to make the people follow precautions as best as they can. In addition to that, the awareness campaigns will also focus on giving people masks, sanitizers and basic precautionary tools to keep the virus at bay.

Dual purpose of the awareness program

With the help of the awareness programs, more people are learning about the virus which is just what we need right now. However, the programs also helps in identifying new patients and contact tracing. In turn, this is vital for noting high infection zones.

At any rate, the awareness program is a great move that the state government has taken to curb the spread of the virus in Kanpur. As more people learn about it, the more precautions they will take.

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