IIT Kanpur launches 4 new eMasters programs to upskill working professionals!

IIT Kanpur launches 4 new eMasters programs to upskill working professionals!

Notably, admission in these eMasters programs can be secured without a GATE score.
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Bringing new learning options for working professionals, the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur has rolled out four new virtual postgraduate programs. As per reports, online classes will be organised for these courses, wherein the students will get to learn about industry-specific skills. Reportedly, the four eMasters spread across the domains of Communication Systems, Cybersecurity, Power Sector Regulation, Economics & Management and Derivatives Market & Risk Management.

No GATE score required for admission to these virtual learning programs

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Prof. Abhay Karandikar, the director of the institute said that the courses have been designed for professionals to build up their qualifications and proficiency with a deep-domain specialization from IITK in state-of-the-art areas. Reportedly, the courses provide a flexible timeframe for completion stretching from one to three years and the credits earned there can be added to an advanced degree program like regular Mtech or Ph.D.

Notably, admission in these eMasters programs can be secured without a GATE score. As per the eligibility criteria, an aspirant requires 55% marks in the Bachelor's or Master's degree. Reportedly, the curriculum includes online delivery of lectures by the top-notch faculty at IIT-K through the ipearl.ai interface. Besides, the students will also get to visit the campus as a part of this course.

Courses aggregate a range of benefits for the candidates

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Amid a list of advantages offered by these courses, successful students will become a part of the illustrious IIT-K alumni group, getting a host of privileges. Additionally, industrial exposure as part of the academic curriculum, ensures extensive exposure for the pupils. Further, the career advancement prospects with the help of networking is another latent benefit. You can explore more about the programs by clicking here.

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