Know about THIS Buddhist era temple of Kanpur which predicts monsoons!

Know about THIS Buddhist era temple of Kanpur which predicts monsoons!

Currently, the premises of this temple are under the supervision of the Archaeological Survey of India.
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The answers to the philosophical conundrums pertaining to the existence of God may have a profound effect if, the debaters visited the bewildering temples in India. One among these enigmatic creations is the Jagannath Temple, located in Kanpur's Behata Bujurg, whose mysteriously accurate weather predictions has left certain science enthusiasts dumbfounded. Famously known as the Rain Temple, here are a few facts about this edifice which is believed to provide monsoon forecasts!

A unique architecture from the Buddhist era

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This temple is home to Hindu God- Lord Jagannath and his siblings, Balram and Subhadra. A large fair is hosted here every year, during the festival of Janmashtami. Currently, the premises of this temple are under the supervision of the Archaeological Survey of India.

Believed to trace its origin to the 9th-century Buddhist period by some historians, the Jagannath Temple of Kanpur has been helping in predicting rains for over 100 years now! Several science experts have surveyed the area and attributed the cause of this mystifying feature to the temple's unique architecture.

Almost a fortnight before the monsoon season ushers in, water droplets accumulate on the ceiling of this temple. Devotees gather in large numbers to observe this phenomenon and depending on the size and density of droplets, they get to know whether there will be heavy showers or a drought.

Apart from weather prediction, an important feature of this temple is its Nila Chakra, which acts as a lightning conductor. Owing to this architectural finesse, this temple has never been hit by thunderstorm lightning and has kept its original structure intact. However, the magnificence of this stone structure isn't what it used to be once, due to deterioration caused over time.

Knock Knock

It is believed that if a devotee asks for a certain wish here with pure intentions, then their wishes come true. It can be labelled as belief or superstition but it cannot be denied that the aura of this place exudes a magical and profound vibe. Experience the grandeur of this temple in person, whenever the pandemic permits you to be in the same locale!

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